
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Dog In Need of Radiation Therapy and Surgery

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This is the touching story submitted by one of our readers.  His dog Jack is in very poor health, and in need of surgery, chemotherapy and surgery to help him be all the dog he can be, and his owner is asking for help.  Any donations made go towards helping buddy and his family in this very difficult time.

My dog, my heart, my Jack has been diagnosed with cancer. He has a grade II Mast Cell Tumor to be specific, and it has metastases to one of his lymph nodes. He isn’t acting sick yet, nor is he in pain; he needs to undergo chemotherapy with a medication called Palladia for several weeks to shrink the tumor before can be surgically excised.  After surgery he will have to undergo a few weeks of targeted radiation.  He has an EXCELLENT prognosis so long as he gets the treatment he needs.

Jack is not only my best friend, he’s my life, and the reason I am still here right now. I lost four years to depression a few years back, and he stayed by my side no matter what. I didn’t want to live. In fact, I tried to kill myself several times, and ultimately, he is the reason I am still alive right now. He dragged me out of depression and saved me. He is my everything.

I am spending everything I have and am trying so hard to get him the treatment he so desperately needs, but it’s expensive and I need help. I can’t give up on him or lose him to cancer. He’s my child and he didn’t give up on me when I went through my depression. He deserves a fighting chance against this disease, and I’m going to do everything I can to get it for him.

Please find it in your heart to donate whatever you can to help pay for Jack’s chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.

Please email me directly if you have any questions

I’m asking his Oncologist if he can give me a detailed list of costs that I can add on here so that everyone can see what is being donated for specifically.

23 de Outubro de 2014


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