
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Honoring the Search and Rescue Dogs of 9/11



Animals helped us respond, recover and move on…

Along with animal lovers from all over, the Animal Rescue League of Boston is remembering the canine heroes of the 9/11 tragedy today. Search and rescue dogs were at the massive and hazardous disaster site from the World Trade Center collapse in lower Manhattan, where they used their special skills to aid in rescue and recovery efforts amid the horrifying rubble.

ARL writes in commemoration: Every year on the anniversary of the September 11 tragedy we take a moment to reflect and honor the nearly 100 loyal search and rescue dogs and their brave owners who worked the scenes in New York City and Washington DC to help with rescue efforts.

While many of the dogs who were an integral part of the rescue efforts on 9/11 have since passed, their memory lives on. This beautiful slideshow from The New York Times shows some of the heroic canines 10 years after that tragic day. It’s difficult to keep your eyes from welling-up as you look at their expressive, gray faces.

Animals play important roles in our lives. Whether they’re recovering victims after a disaster, sniffing for threats at our nation’s airports, visiting with patients in hospitals or greeting us at the door with wagging tails after a tough day’s work, pets make our lives better.

In big and small ways animals helped us respond, recover and move on. Our thoughts, today, are with all of those who lost loved ones, human or canine, on or as a result of September 11.

The NYT search and rescue dog photos were originally published on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, on September 11, 2011. Please do click the link above to view the photos and stories of seven canine heroes.





11 de Setembro de 2014


Karen Harrison Binette
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