
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Pembroke Pines Police Reunite Family with Missing Dog

8.21.14 - Pembroke Pines Police Reunite Family with Missing Dog

Thanks to the Pembroke Pines, Florida police department, Gypsy is no longer a nomad.  Gypsy had been missing since February and her mom, Tammy Moses, wasn’t sure they’d ever see her again.  People volunteering with the police found her roaming the streets of Pembroke Pines on Thursday of last week, and less than 24 hours later, she was home with her family in Bell, Florida which is almost 350 miles clear across the state.

“They are just really amazing people and I owe them so much,” said Tammy.

Tammy suspects that Gypsy had been stolen.  No one is sure how or when she was taken, or how she got all the way out to where she was, but the family couldn’t be happier to have their missing member back.

Gypsy was micro chipped, thankfully.  The problems came when the correct address for the Moses family came up, but the phone number was out of date on it.  According to Pembroke Pines Police Sgt. Stacy Jurgens, this can happen often, and is one of the biggest sticking points of the system in place today.

Even though finding a phone number these days has become quite a simple task, information for people online can be very unreliable as well.  Sgt. Jurgens advises everyone to make sure the information on our pet’s microchips is as up to date with your family vet as possible.

When Tammy came home to the message of Sgt. Jurgens on her answering machine, she couldn’t believe her ears.  Apparently, the quick thinkers at the Pembroke Pines police tracked down Tammy’s sister, who then got them in touch with Tammy and the rest of her family.

Checking the caller identification on her home phone, Tammy saw the 954 area code, and was almost blown away.  Looking it up to see where in the state that was coming from, she thought to herself, ‘there’s no way!’

Detective Dean Soubasis agreed to meet Tammy half way.  They stopped to do the exchange at a gas station in Palmetto, which is near Bradenton, Florida.

The reunion was a happy one, with a very good message as well.  Please make sure your pet’s microchip information is as up to date as possible.  This is the only form of identification that could bring your furry family member back to you in the case of separation, no matter the distance.

21 de Agosto de 2014

