
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Prince Charming (the Dog) Gets His Happily-Ever-After

Just as in any Fairy Tale this story has a happy ending.

Two and a half years ago, Prince Charming, a then six-year-old pug got lost from his Chicago home. His owner, Christina Parrilla, looked for her dog but never found him, and after months of coming up empty, she gave up and convinced herself she would never see her dog again.

Prince Charming. Photo Credit: Felines & Canines

Prince Charming. Photo Credit: Felines & Canines


On June 9, 2014, a police officer patrolling Rogers Park, a Chicago neighborhood, was flagged down by a Good Samaritan and told there was a dog tied to a pole. The canine had been there for about five hours. The officers headed to rescue the pug and save him from falling on the wrong hands, but the officer never imagine his action would reunite Prince Charming with his rightful owner.

Prince Charming reunited with his grandmother.

Prince Charming reunited with his grandmother.

The pug was taken to Felines & Canines and there he was scanned for a microchip. Thanks to the chip the shelter connected with Parrilla who couldn’t believe her dog, lost more than 30 months before had been found.

“She was so shocked, and grateful, and surprised,” shelter’s Executive Director Abby Smith told CBS News. “I’m not sure who still thinks they’re going to be reunited with an animal after several years like that, but it’s mind-blowing, and [Christina] was screaming and so ecstatic.”

Parrilla no longer lives in Chicago, she now resides in Washington D.C., but her mother still lives in the Windy City and it was her who picked up the pug from the shelter. You can see the reunion video here.

The dog gained a lot of weight since Parrilla last saw him, but overall he is in good health.

This little pug has a running history, he ran away from home twice before, but both times found his way back home.

“I guess he’s meant to be with us, and that chip is what saved him,” said Parrilla.

Prince Charming, we are happy you are home again with your one and only true love, your rightful owner.


10 de Julho de 2014

