
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Good Samaritan Helps Hit-and-Run Puppy Left for Dead

On February 9, 2015, a three to six-month-old terrier puppy from Tucson, Ariz., was hit by car and left for dead on the side of Drexel Road, but thanks to an animal lover who stopped and helped the injured puppy, the dog is on her road to recovery.

The young dog, now called Charity, was left with fractured hind legs, pelvis and femur. Even though she was unable to walk or stand when found, veterinarians are hopeful the puppy will be able to walk again because the pet never lost her ability to wiggle her tail.

Charity: Photo Credit: Team Up for Tucson

Charity: Photo Credit: Team Up for Tucson


Local organization Team Up for Tucson was contacted by the vet clinic Charity was transported to, and when the organization heard her story, they agreed to help.

Charity requires multiple surgeries to heal, and her medical bills are estimated to reach $6,000. Team Up for Tucson asked local community members to donate towards the dog’s medial costs. Donations can be send to:

Team Up For Tucson
PO Box 35142
Tucson, AZ 85740

Or by visiting any CHASE BANK location and make a donation to Team Up For Tucson.

On February 12, 2015, and anonymous donor gave $5,000 and this large amount in addition to the many others the organization received so far, has made Charity’s first of many surgeries a reality.

On Friday the 13th, Charity underwent her first surgery.

“A big thank you to Northwest Pet Clinic for performing a 6 hour surgery to help Charity, ” posted Team Up fro Tucson on their Facebook page. “Our puppy is doing well and we appreciate her surgical team giving their all. She has a long road to recovery and isn’t out of the woods.”

Veterinarians are hopeful Charity will do fine in all her surgeries. Her road to recovery is a long one but she’s expected to fully recover.

14 de Fevereiro de 2015

