
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

best friends

Handler Fighting to Adopt Retired K9 Officer City Wants to Auction

“I was under the assumption I would end up with the dog [when I retired],” said Hickey.
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Dog Alerts Police to Location of Friend Needing Rescue

In a press release, the police department that helped rescue the dogs said, “Apparently, any dog in the right circumstances can turn into Lassie.”
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Cachorra resgatada, que tinha medo de tudo, ganha confiança ao usar fantasia

A vida da pit bull Fiesta não foi fácil. Ela foi usada para brigas até ser resgatada pela ONG Best Friends Dogtown, que fica em Utah, nos Estados Unidos.

Ninguém sabe ao certo por quanto tempo Fiesta passou por esse sofrimento. A única certeza é que esse passado deixou cicatrizes em sua alma.

É difícil para a pit bull se sentir confortável, relaxar e brincar. Ela se tornou tímida e assustada.

Belgian Malinois Is Best Friends with an Owl

German photographer and collage artist Tanja Brandt has captured the heart-touching friendship between Ingo the dog and Poldi the owl in a number of stunning settings.
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Raven is Addison’s Protector and Snoozing Buddy

"People that say 'money can't buy happiness' have never paid an adoption fee," said Kristin Leigh Rhynehart.
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Man Makes Cross Country Drive to get Lifesaving Surgery for Dog



Buck-O is Scott Clare’s furry best friend.  When Scott’s wife passed away, Buck-O not only filled a huge gap in his life, but taught him it was okay to love again.  So when it came time to get Buck-O fixed, vets noticed something wasn’t quite right, and Scott knew something had to be done, and quick.


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