
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Cachorra adota e amamenta gatinho abandonado

Em Fortaleza, um gatinho abandonado ganhou uma nova chance na vida ao ser resgatado por uma família e ser adotado por uma cachorra, que amamenta o filhote como se fosse seu.

Evandro Felício Araújo gravou um vídeo do gato mamando e divulgou nas redes sociais, o sucesso foi imediato. O felino foi resgatado por um vizinho dele.

A cadela deu à luz há pouco tempo e cuida do gatinho como se fosse seu. É realmente impressionante como os animais se solidarizam uns com os outros.


Assista o vídeo:


Beautiful Photos of Dogs Loving Their Baby Animal Friends


Spring is in the air.  Flowers are blooming, and baby animals are being born.  Here are some lovely photos of dogs caring for adorable baby animals.


It’s Doggie Sleepover Time!


It’s Friday night, and we know what that means – it’s slumber party time!  Well, maybe not for most of us adults, but dogs always get to have sleepovers!



Sweetest Doggie Smooches Ever


When it comes to doling out the kisses, there’s no one cuter than these guys!



Cat Mourns His Dog Friend in the Sweetest Way


Losing a family member is always hard.  And not just for us, but for our pets, too.  They sense that something is awry, and they quickly notice the absence of that person or other pet.  This cat is mourning his dog friend, and expresses his grief in such a heart-touching way.

In January, Redditor enns5320 posted a photo of his cat with the caption:

Pets Hellbent on Destroying Christmas


These dogs and cats don’t give a hoot about Santa’s naughty list – they’re bad to the bone…. even on Christmas!


Help Is Needed to Bring These Missing Dogs Home


Hundreds of pets go missing every day in the US.  Owners make fliers and hang them up in their towns and post them on various online sources.  With so many fans around the world, we’d like to be one of those sources to give people the best chance of getting their pet home.



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