
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Woman Gives Her Life to Save Drowning Dog

6.11.14 - Woman Gives Her Life to Save Drowning Dog1


A Colorado woman’s life was taken when she jumped into the fast-moving water of an irrigation ditch to save a dog who had fallen in.  The dog is doing fine.

Police Officer Halts Traffic to Rescue Dog

6.10.14 - Police Officer Halts Traffic to Rescue Dog

Eddie is a dog that has been saved twice now.  Once from a shelter in the Bahamas, and most recently, from traffic going along Colorado Boulevard, just before Fifth Avenue, by a local police officer.

Authorities Still Looking for Dog Abandoner

People that actually witnessed the event, say the man got back into his truck, threw it in reverse, nearly backing up over the dog as it tried to jump back in.

Loyal Dog Holds Vigil for Deceased Owner

There are a large number of coyotes in the area and Buddy refused to leave Mr. Blake’s body until we spent some time coaxing him to trust us,” said Sheriff Bill Masters.

Greyhound Racing Banned in Colorado

Colorado’s Governor John Hickenlooper has signed a bill making it illegal to race Greyhounds in the state.

Dying Owner Searching for New Home for Cherished Dog

“Sherlock has basic obedience training and is housebroken. He loves long walks and cuddling on the couch. He is such a sweetheart.”

Colorado Town Elects Dog as Mayor

This is a creative and fun way to fundraise in any town or city. Perhaps your local animal shelter could use the suggestion…

Mulher dá de mamar para filhote morrendo de fome

Uma mulher no Colorado, nos Estados Unidos, que escolheu manter sua identidade anônima, deu de mamar para um filhotinho orfão, mix da raça Labrador Retriever, que não aceitava se alimentar através da mamadeira nem com a fórmula.

Desesperada observando o cachorro ficar cada vez mais fraco e sentindo que o filhotinho estava morrendo, a mulher, que na época dava de mamar para sua filha, resolveu oferecer seu peito para o cachorro.


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