
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

cute dog video

Girl Uses Stuffed Toys and Her Rescue Dog to Recreate Scene from E.T.

We're not positive that the little girl in this photo meant to recreate a famous scene from the movie E.T., but the results of her work are just too cute for words.
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Dogs Verses Water – Summer Ready

Whether in a fountain, in the tub, or at the lake, looks like everyone is having a good time...or making up their own fun.
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Who’s Walking Who?

Whether it's babies walking dogs or dogs walking babies, either way, it is adorable.
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Woman Takes to Facebook to Identify Her Dog’s “Drive-by Love Bomber”

His mom said he “turned ten shades of red” when she had him watch the video. He just gave her a big smile and said, “you know I love dogs, momma.”
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Classic Disney: Pluto at the Society Dog Show

Pluto, to this day, remains one of the favorite of Walt Disney's characters. Full of heart and spirit, even a fancy society dog show can't get the best of him.
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Dogs of Summer: Daisy, the Bat Puppy

You may have heard and read about Derby and Rookie, the bat dogs for the Trenton Thunder, but have you hear about Daisy, the newest member of staff for the Savannah Bananas?
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Brighten Your Afternoon With Pit Bulls Acting Cute!

This is the perfect way to brighten up any afternoon.  Pit Bulls acting cute. Awwwwwww


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