
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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dog rescue

Rescuing a Pit Bull who just wanted to be loved

Eldad Hagar of Hope For Paws recently rescued a meek pit bull from a Los Angeles residential neighborhood where children pelted the dog with rocks. Buddha, as he is now called, is in foster care and can be adopted from Ace of Hearts Dog Rescue.

British Woman Raises Funds, Rescues and Transports Abused Romanian Dog

He was found in a horrendous state, he'd been walking on bare bones, the skin on his two front legs had come off and he had a lot of infection.

Happy Family Reunion for Dog Stranded on Ice Floe

It took 20 firefighters and six hours to bring the pet to safety, but thankfully the dog is safe and has been reunited with his family.

Silly Dog Chases Birds and Gets Stuck on Roof

There was nothing the pet owners could do to bring the silly canine inside. Firefighters were called to come rescue the pet.

Heroic Man Saves Dog from Drowning in Geist Reservoir

A scared and disoriented dog jumped off the Fall Creek Road bridge in Indianapolis, Ind., and was drowning, but Russ Chargualaf, was there at the right time and saved the pet.

UPDATE: Valentine’s Day Dog Learns How to Walk After Reconstructive Leg Surgery

Cupid needs to learn how to walk with his straight legs, but he is doing amazing and is expect to run and rump like any normal dog.

Little Bear’s Story: Tiny Dog Clings to Life and Recovers

After being the victim of vicious dog attacks, Little Bear found guardian angels that saved his life, helped him heal, and got him ready for his happily-ever-after.

Senior Dog Trapped in Chair Gets Rescued

It took more than an hour for firefighters to the rescue the dog, but after carefully examining the chair's mechanism, the hero rescuers were able to free the elder canine uninjured.

Mexican Stray Dog Stranded in Metro Lines Gets Rescued

The pup could have easily been hit by one of the trains, but thanks to train workers who responded quickly to the emergency call, the dog is alive and well.

Dog Gets Head Stuck in Car Engine

Firefighters used a car lifting hydraulic jack along with a lifting bag to get the stray out of the engine.


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