
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Best Thing for a Widow? A Four-Legged Companion

In a study of 95 people who kept “laughter logs,” those who owned dogs laughed more often than cat owners and people who owned neither.

Why Today Is National Dog Fighting Awareness Day

Dog fighting is a cultural embarrassment we should all feel. This is not about just locking up bad guys; this is about doing everything we can to bring this nightmarish practice to an end. We can't rest until it does.

The 8,028,000 Minutes I Called You “Friend”

“Minute 1: I took you out of the cage on May 9, 1998. You jumped into my arms and kissed my face. I thought I chose you but I was wrong… you chose me.”

Five Reasons Every Girl Should Have a Dog

“I've always had dogs. My earliest memories are of cold noses, soft grey Dumbo-size ears and slobber.”

Heroic Elderly Dog Sacrifices Himself for His Family

“He was obsessed with shortening sticks and tearing up any cardboard he could find. He was extremely meticulous and many a vacuum cleaner died trying to tidy up his messes.”

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Kennel, Part II

“With hundreds of dogs, and hundreds of security officers over the years, there have been myriad humorous events; some hilarious, some bizarre.”

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Kennel, Part I

“With hundreds of dogs, and hundreds of security officers over the years, there have been myriad humorous events; some hilarious, some bizarre.”

Victor’s Dream Come True

“The squirrels learned that the dogs could not chase them, so as squirrels are wont to do, they teased the patrolling canines…”

Our Pets May Leave Us, But Some Never Leave Their Pets Behind

“I lost my little buddy, but I am keeping his tooth forever. In fact, someone had better place it with me in my grave when I die.”

Unwanted Senior Black Mutt Gets His Happy Ending

Because of past trauma, Rocky didn't trust anyone. But gradually his barriers broke down, and he learned to love being massaged and fed like a king.


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