
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Heroic Humans

Penni Was Once Afraid of Everything. Now, She’s Free, Fearless & Having Fun!

Penni barely made eye contact the first six months after she was adopted. These days, though, she is living the beautiful, active, happy life she deserves!
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How A Vietnam Vet Changed The Life Of A Twice-Surrendered Shelter Dog

That John would save Copper came as no surprise to anyone who knew him. He had made it his life’s passion to help others.
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Dog Lovers Unite To Rescue 21 Canine Harvey Victims in One Boat!

Betty Walter refused to leave the dogs she'd decided to protect through Hurricane Harvey. Three good Samaritans in a boat ensured she didn't have to!
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Chicago Nonprofit Trains “Court Case Dogs” For New Lives, Saving Them From Euthanasia

Safe Humane Chicago has saved 1,000 dogs from euthanasia, advocating for them as their owners move through the criminal justice system.
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Helping Pets Survive Harvey: Displaced Animals Sent to NJ for Adoption

Displaced animals are pouring out of Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Rescues, like these in New Jersey, are trying to stem the tide.
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