
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Beautiful Photos of Dogs at Christmastime


Merry Christmas!  We hope you’re enjoying the festivities, and to help, here are some beautiful photos of dogs at Christmastime.


These Adorable Pugs Are Taking Over the Internet


Instagram and Imgur are chock full of interesting dogs, but not many are as cute and funny as Doug and Weezer, who just love hamming it up for the camera!

Here’s Doug:


Photographer Captures His Dog in Some Fantastic Scenes


When artist Rafael Mantesso got divorced, all he had left was his bull terrier Jimmy Choo and an empty, stark white house.  So he decided to make the most of the blank canvas and took some fanciful photos of his precious pup!


Find Waldo? Find Momo!


In January we shared several photos with you featuring a Border Collie named Momo.  He’s an excellent hider, and blends in with his surroundings so well that it can take a while to spot him.  See if you can find him!

Photos: Optical Illusions Starring Dogs

How many times have you seen your dog do something funny and tried taking a picture of it, but by the time you get your phone or camera ready, your pet moved and no matter how much you bribe him to pose again, your dog doesn’t cooperate? It has happened to all of us, but there are a few lucky dog owners that have been able to capture those memorable and at times funny moments.

Here are eight pictures that will make you smile.


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