
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Florida Passes Law Allowing People to Break Into Cars to Rescue Dogs and People

The aim of the law is only to save lives “in imminent danger of suffering harm,” a direct response to recent events where both dogs and babies have died in hot cars.
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How One Very Brave, Resourceful Cop Handled Two Very Aggressive Dogs

While Officer Gomez is undoubtedly worthy of being lauded as a hero, the Meridian Police Department is also due a commendation for their proactive approach to managing dangerous dogs.
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PUPDATE! Vet Declares Diggy An American Bulldog, Court Date To Come

When Diggy's adorable adoption photo went viral, it put him on the radar of citizens who believed he violated the townships ordinance banning pit bulls.
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Police Officer Helps Save a Puppy from Drowning, then Decides to Become His Dad

The puppy was scared and exhausted, nearly ready to give up when he was rescued. Many would have just ignored his cries for help, but not these heroes.
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Dogs Living on Piles of Feces in a Basement Get a Breath of Fresh Air for the First Time in 7 Months

“There was barely any light in the room, and so when we opened the door, that was the first sunlight the dogs had seen in seven months.”
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Thirteen Pit Bulls Rescued from Suspected Fighting Ring in South Carolina

The sheriff’s office got the suspect to sign a surrender agreement, and the dogs WILL NOT be going back to where they were taken from.
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PUPDATE! Diggy’s Adoption at Risk Due to Breed-Related Ordinance

In the wake of an adorable photo gone viral, complaints have threatened to jeopardize Diggy's adoption in a township with a breed-specific ordinance.
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Woman Donates $22K for Bulletproof Vests for Philadelphia K9’s

"It was obvious these officers feel the same way about their canines as I do" said Berwind.
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Family Reunites With Lost Dog After Four Years

After four long years, the Martinez family had all but given up hope they'd find Chiquito, but fortune smiled on them this week...!
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