
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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City Mayor Saves Dog Trapped on Rocky Cliff

On October 21, 2014, a woman from Mallorca, Spain, was walking her dog around 10 p.m. near the Banyalbufar cliffs when her dog slipped and fell over a cliff. The pet owner called after her dog and searched the area hoping she would find him alive, but in the darkness of the night, the woman did not find her pet nor did she hear him bark. The dog owner gave up and thought she had forever lost her best friend.

Mallorca's firefighters rescue dog trapped on cliff.

Mallorca’s firefighters rescue dog trapped on cliff.


The Spanish woman imagined her dog suffered a fatal blow to the head while he fell over the cliff. The pet’s body was either trapped on the rocky bottom or washed away to sea, but the very next morning the woman learned her dog was alive and well.

Banyalbufar’s Mayor, Mateu Ferrá, heard of the incident and on October 22, 2014, he walked on the same trail the woman took with her pet just the night before. To the Mayor’s surprise, the dog was alive and awaiting rescue.

Ferrá heard a dog barking and when he leaned over the cliff he found a dog trapped on the rocks. The Mayor immediately called local firefighters and a rescue unit arrived to rescue the pet in need.

The dog suffered minor cuts. Once hoisted back to safety he was reunited with a relieved and happy owner.

31 de Outubro de 2014

