
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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New 3D Printed Front Legs Give Disabled Dog New “Leash on Life”

In case you have been living under a rock for the past several years, you know that three dimensional printing is all the rage.  There’s even a very compelling documentary on Netflix called “Print the Future.”  People have begun to use this new technology for some very worthy causes, and just recently, it was used to give a dog with no use of its front legs its mobility back, and a new “leash” on life.

Deceased Homeless Man’s Dog Continues to Look for Dead Owner

Gato (Spanish for Cat) belonged to Benjamín González Sánchez, a homeless man from Guadalajata, Jasisco, Mexico, who unfortunately died two weeks ago of hypothermia. The dog and his owner used to sleep outside one of the entrances to Jalisco Stadium, but since the passing of González Sánchez, the dog simply roams the streets alone without anyone to look over him, get him food, or protect him from the cold.

Abandoned Dog Waiting for Owners’ Return Almost Starves to Death

Dogs are loyal human companions. An example of true friendship and human devotion comes from Serbia, where a male dog abandoned by his owners in a home filled with trash, almost died of starvation, waiting for his owners’ return.

Zselyko E. a volunteer at a local Serbian animal shelter contacted us to tell us the story of Vucko.


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