
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Video: High-Def in the Dog Park

In this exceptional video, shot in GoPro HD, Bishop the Great Dane plays with pals in a Nashville, TN, dog park. Great slo-mo segments!
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Dogstagram? New Wearable Tech Enables Dogs to Post to Social Media

For those whose dogs like to make both fashion statements and those of the social-media variety, we submit to you The Posting Tail, created by Pedigree España and Satchi & Satchi Madrid. And its name, in case you were wondering, is quite literal. More than just a sporty looking vest, it’s actually a piece of […]

Dog Parkers: Are These Sidewalk Crates Convenient or Controversial?

In New York City and elsewhere, the tethering of dogs to poles, parking meters and hydrants outside businesses has been long practiced and long frowned-upon. Risks to both pet and public are inherent as furry friends nervously await their owners’ return from a shop, a café, a nail salon. In Brooklyn, a new business has […]

Nikon Develops Camera that Your Dog Can Operate

Is your dog the next big thing in photography? Using a "human-free" camera case, now you can find out!
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The post Nikon Develops Camera that Your Dog Can Operate appeared first on Life With Dogs.

New 3D Printed Front Legs Give Disabled Dog New “Leash on Life”

In case you have been living under a rock for the past several years, you know that three dimensional printing is all the rage.  There’s even a very compelling documentary on Netflix called “Print the Future.”  People have begun to use this new technology for some very worthy causes, and just recently, it was used to give a dog with no use of its front legs its mobility back, and a new “leash” on life.


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