
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Man Who Taped Dog’s Snout Gets Two Years in Federal Prison

Dean Cresswell was walking his dogs when they discovered him in a field in Windsor, Ontario. His petition for a life ban of pets for Hill garnered 65,000 signatures.
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Costa Rica Officials Approve Dog Fighting Ban

The way things go as of now, dog fighting organizers only really had dogs confiscated, but there were no other real punishments on the books. When a man had a $200 fine levied on him for being found guilty of hosting dog fighting on property he owns, it was the first ever fine ever given to someone for this offense in Costa Rica.

Artista cria imagens incríveis para incentivar adoção de cães abandonados

Sarolta Bán criou o projeto Help Dogs with Images (em português “Ajude Cachorros com Imagens”) para incentivar a adoção de cães abandonados.

Sarolta é uma fotógrafa húngara especialista em manipulação de foto digital. Ela cria imagens incríveis e agora vai usar esse talento para chamar a atenção para os cachorros que estão em abrigos.


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