
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

happily ever after

Dog So Happy to Be Rescued That She Split Her Tail Wagging It Has Now Been Adopted!

“After her surgery, Sandy was as good as gold! She was wagging her new nubbin tail around and acted as though nothing had ever happened.”
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UPDATE: Senior Dog Who Spent His Entire Life on the Street Has Been Adopted!

They say there’s someone out there for everyone, and though senior Cubbie, sick and set in his ways, would be hard to place, the perfect family was found for him.
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Dog Rescued From Death Row at the Very Last Minute Finds the Perfect Family 1,000 Miles Away

“She curled up in my lap for the long car ride home and looked at me with such love in her eyes, as if to say, ‘Thank you.’”
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Tiny, Toothless Dog Finds His Perfect Family

“He was especially in love with his new dad... McMurtrie couldn't stop gazing up at him and was so comfortable when his dad was holding him.”
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Mangy Street Puppy Only Knew Suffering, But Now He Only Knows Happiness

Within a couple of days he felt brave enough to venture outside his den and explore. Before long, he was acting like a regular puppy, chomping on toys.
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After a Lifetime of Abuse, Clyde Finally Gets His Happily Ever After

“It was then that Clyde’s mom realized that this date was also the anniversary of her father’s passing. The next sign was the sweetest…”
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UPDATE: Puppy Savagely Chased Down the Street With a 2 x 4 Has Been Adopted!

“When they saw Ivy’s story on Facebook, they knew that she was the one that would make their family whole again. It is truly a happily ever after.”
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UPDATE:  Dog Brutally Thrown Off Roof by Medical Students Completely Recovers and Is Adopted

“When a dream becomes reality! Today, I am very, very happy to share that Bhadra is FAMILY… She is full of life, very happy, playful and a content kid.”
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