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Heroic Humans

Police Officer Dives in Lake to Rescue Dog in Submerged Truck

6.11.14 - Police Officer Rescues Submerged Dog3A Massachusetts police officer heroically dove into a murky lake to rescue a Chihuahua from eight feet below, in a completely sunken truck.  The little dog was not breathing, but after pulling him from the water, Officer David Harriman also

Woman Gives Her Life to Save Drowning Dog

6.11.14 - Woman Gives Her Life to Save Drowning Dog1


A Colorado woman’s life was taken when she jumped into the fast-moving water of an irrigation ditch to save a dog who had fallen in.  The dog is doing fine.

Police Officer Halts Traffic to Rescue Dog

6.10.14 - Police Officer Halts Traffic to Rescue Dog

Eddie is a dog that has been saved twice now.  Once from a shelter in the Bahamas, and most recently, from traffic going along Colorado Boulevard, just before Fifth Avenue, by a local police officer.

Family of Deceased Marine Adopts Dog He Served With Overseas

“I don’t think that it will decrease and of the pain we feel,” Diaz’s father Salvador said. He is a retired Marine himself.

Dog Fighting Bust in Alabama is Second Largest Ever

“Animals being spared the life of suffering at the end of a chain or at the hands of somebody in a bloody pit, where they’d ultimately lose their lives,” said Chris Schindler.

Landlord Will ONLY Rent to People with Big Dogs, Especially ‘Bully-Breeds’

“One or more of your dogs must be on the so-called 'aggressive' breed list,” says Rouzeau, meaning pit bulls, huskies, Rottweilers, or any of the other dogs that landlords tend not to welcome, or even allow, into their rentals.

Dog Stays by Deceased Owner’s Side for 23 Days

“I love that dog,” said Meta Smith, Wilkerson’s daughter. “We're going to take care of BeBe, like he took care of my father.”

Tennessee Family Gets Big Surprise from ‘Hospice’ Dog They’re Fostering

“She is remarkable,” said rescue worker Lavonne Redferrin. “She has bounced back and is living every day to the fullest.”


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