
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Heroic Humans

15,000 Animals Find Homes in Nationwide Adoption Marathon

“As we near our goal of a no-kill nation by 2015, we are thrilled at the sheer number of people who visited all of the locations over the weekend,” said Maddie's Fund president Rich Avanzino.

Soldier Adopts the Dog Who Saved His Life

“I owe this dog every moment I have from here on out with my son, with my mother, with my family. I owe her everything,” Staff Sgt. McDonald said.

Heroic Woman Charged with Theft for Saving Dying Puppy

“I am not a thief,” said Meriko Cerda. “I rescued a dying creature. I had to act.”

Elementary School Students get an Assignment that will Persuade you to Adopt Right Now

Aside from the obvious positive effect this assignment has had for these homeless pets, it has to be said, these letters are downright adorable.

Dog Buried by Mudslide Found Alive 18 Hours Later

While the hero rescuers excavated an area they overheard the cries of a dog. Following the sound they moved to where the sounds were coming from and started digging. Soon enough they found the dog.

Man Drives 1 Million Miles to Save Over 2,000 Dogs

Greg makes a five-day, 4,200-mile road trip which takes him from his home in Ohio, south to Houston, Texas, then back north to New York, and finally back home to Ohio, all to assist in finding these forever homes.

Pizza Place Makes Treats to aid Humane Society

Because Buddy’s makes their dough fresh every day, there is leftover dough that didn’t make it into a pizza. Usually, this dough is simply discarded. However, in a genius idea, these otherwise tossed scraps have found a new purpose, dog treats.

Hit-And-Run Dog to get Much Needed Medical Attention

“She’s not whining or whimpering like she’s in pain. She’d still make a really sweet addition to somebody’s family,” said Elaine.

Blinded, Starving Dog Gets the Rescue of a Lifetime

“Once I approached the bushes where she was hiding, I realized that she had no more fight in her. She was so hungry, so tired," Hagar wrote.

Firefighters Rescue Orphan Wolf Puppies from Alaskan Wildfire

“They’re just sleeping and eating,” Jill Myer said. “They’re doing normal puppy things.”


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