
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Senior Dog Shows Up to Family’s Home and REFUSES to Leave Until She’s Adopted

"My husband and I fell in love with her and wanted to make sure she was alright," Lopez said. "So we would visit as much as we could..."
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Certified World’s Oldest Dog Maggie Passes at 30

“She was 30 years old, she was still going along nicely last week, she was walking from the dairy to the office and growling at the cats and all that sort of thing,” said Mr. McLaren.
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Maggie resolveu testar se o tratamento de beleza com lama funciona

Alguns dizem que a lama é revigorante e é muito utilizada para tratamentos de beleza. Maggie se interessou tanto que resolveu testar. Veja o que ela faz na lama.

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