
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Dog Missing in Arkansas Tornado Found 30 Days Later

A month after a devastating tornado forever changed the lives of the Wassom family, their beloved dog Lizzy turned up unharmed outside a nearby residence.

Family Dog Keeps Lost Three-Year-Old Child Safe Until Rescue Arrives

The loyal dog was resting on top of the child who was asleep. The actions of the hero dog kept the small child warm and dry from the rain.

Family Prayers Answered: Oreo the Dog Survives Deadly Arkansas Tornado

The Lentz family packed up in their van and headed to safety, but in the middle of the chaotic evacuation, their small dog was lost. Two days later a miracle happened.

What Are the Odds? Family Visits Shelter to Adopt New Dog and Finds Their Lost Dog Instead

Reckless was picked up as a stray, brought to the shelter, microchipped, checked by vets, and prepped to find his new home, but instead he found his original owners again.

Rhodesian ridgeback Safe at Home after Missing for Two Months

Back in February, Keiko was in her yard when a thunderstorm spooked her. The dog jumped the fence and got lost, but 53 days later the Rhodesian ridgeback was found.

Would You Hire a Helicopter to Help Find Your Lost Dog?

Murphy the boxer was reunited with his owner, Lewis Blythe, after an online campaign help raise enough funds to hire a helicopter to aid in the search.

Florida Family Reunites with Missing Dog after Nine Years

"It's just a gift to have her back. She'll be able to live out the rest of her years loved and cared for," said April Hight.

Indiana Lost Dog is Found in Alabama Five Years Later

Thanks to a network of animal lovers, Bella traveled from Alabama to southern Indiana to be reunited with her rightful owners. The dog had been lost for five years.

Marine and Military Dog Reunited After Five Months Apart

While Sgt. Mark received treatment in the U.S. he never forgot his loyal, four-legged comrade. He wondered if the dog would forget him but the bond between the service man and his dog is unbreakable.

Good Samaritans Reunite Service Dog with War Veteran.

"I feel like I'm complete again, I felt like a part of me was missing," said Ryan Grose.


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