
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Microchip Reunites Dog Missing for Two Years with Owners

On March 10, 2014, 26 months after losing Speedy, the pet owners received a phone call they never expected. Speedy had been found!

Four-Legged Train Passenger Leaves Forever Home and Returns to Foster Family

A month after placing Pedro in his new home, his rescuer started receiving phone calls letting her know that they had seen the dog back on the streets, but Leonor Zamora said that was impossible.

Social Media Reunites Chunk, the Stolen Dog, with His Rightful Owners

A probation officer saw Chunk's flyer on Facebook and recognize him as one of the pets he had seen on a home visit. Thanks to social media Chunk was reunited with his rightful owners.

Dog from Rollover Crash Found 12 Hours Later

After a rollover crash on Interstate 91, Zorro, a 16-year-old dog went missing. Twelve hours later a State Trooper found the dog.


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