
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Adorable Dog Has Her Own Bus Pass So She Can Take Herself to the Park

“This is Eclipse. Every day she leaves the house by herself, and takes the bus downtown to the dog park. She even has her own buss pass attached to her collar.” <3
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Seattle Woman Wants to Pants Your Dog…But in a Good Way

Julie Korth got Mozzie from a rescue and found he came with some potty training challenges. Putting on her thinking cap, she came up with a creative solution.
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NFL Player Takes a Public Stand Against Dog Fighting

“Dog fights: it’s not a sport. It’s animal cruelty, plain and simple,” Wright said. “These dogs need a voice, they need someone to stand up for them.”
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Manny is Missing. Seattle Woman Pleads For Return of Service Dog.

A south Seattle woman is without her service dog tonight. She hopes getting the word out might help bring Manny home.
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Washington State Has First Food Truck for Dogs

"There were a lot of recalls on dog treats, grocery store brands especially, and I didn't feel safe not knowing what treats I could use. I started making my own treats and the dogs started loving them," said co owner Dawn Ford.
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Colorado Shelter Gets Adoptions for Dogs Stranded by Collison

"We actually had a line out the door of people that wanted to come walk or clean. It was just unbelievable."
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Dog Foils Home Invader

The Seattle Police are crediting a dog with stopping a home invasion, and scaring off a burglar.
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Porquinha é aluna exemplar em aula de agility canina

Quando Lori Stock, tutora da porquinha Amy, pediu permissão aos professores de uma aula de agility canina em Seattle, Estados Unidos, para que sua pet participasse, ninguém imaginou que ela se tornaria uma das melhores alunas, com desempenho exemplar.

Amy, que já graduou do curso de boas maneiras, partiu agora para agility e obediência. Ela simplesmente ama a recompensa em forma de comidinhas que recebe ao performar as atividades e truques.

Mulher processa vizinho por causa dos latidos do cachorro e ganha a causa

Um caso surpreendente aconteceu nos Estados Unidos: uma mulher processou o vizinho porque afirma que o cachorro dele late demais. E ela ganhou a causa.


Cachorra pega ônibus sozinha para ir até um parque para cães

A inteligência dos cachorros é realmente surpreendente! Nos Estados Unidos, uma cachorra ficou famosa porque pega ônibus sozinha para ir até seu lugar preferido: um parque para cães.



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