
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


The Chemicals You Use on Your Lawn Have Been Linked to Cancer in Dogs

Many of the most widely used pesticides and herbicides used on laws today, are linked to two types of cancer in dogs. Imagine what it could be doing to us, too.
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Dog Enjoys Sunny Afternoon at Ballpark in Papoose

What could be better than relaxing outdoors in a peaceful park with your human on a beautiful spring afternoon in Florida? We can't think of much.
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Rescue Group Holds the Cutest Easter Egg Hunt for Rescue Dogs

“Tasty treats were put in each of the plastic Easter eggs and pin holes were made on each end. Using their super sniffers, all of the pups found their eggs...”
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Snow Dogs Who Are Already Missing Winter


Most of us – and our dogs – are happily enjoying the nicer weather.  No more scraping ice off the car for us, and no more salty paws or belly-deep snow for them.  But big dogs with thick coats revel in the wintry wonderland.  Here are some that are already pining for the frost.


Things to Consider Before Getting a Real Easter Bunny

bunnyNo one can deny how adorable a bunny really is, especially a baby bunny. And there seems to be no better time than the spring, especially around Easter, to introduce a new rabbit into your family.

Cachorra foge e é encontrada a 700 km de casa

Uma cachorra desapareceu no dia 4 de fevereiro na Austrália e depois de 24 dias foi encontrada a 700 quilômetros de casa.

A cadela tem apenas 7 meses de vida e se chama Malibue. Ela fugiu de sua casa na cidade de Alice Springs, que fica na região norte da Austrália, e foi localizada em Amata, uma comunidade aborígene, que fica na região Sul do país.

Seu tutor Brenton Chambers acredita que ela tenha entrado no carro de estranhos para chegar tão longe, porque é uma cachorra amigável e adora carros.

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