
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


UPDATE: Stella Has FINALLY Been Let out of Her Cage

Stella, a UK dog that's been locked up and left alone with no out of cage time for two years has finally been left out.
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Cachorra cuida de filhotes até que sejam adotados

Stella é uma cachorra enorme com um coração maior ainda. Sua tutora oferece lar temporário para filhotes até que eles sejam adotados e a cadela cuida de todos.


UPDATE: US Animal Sanctuary Offers to Rescue Stella

Stella, a dog from the UK deemed as "too dangerous" by law enforcement, has an offer from a US based animal sanctuary willing to take her in.
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UK Police Lock Up “Dangerous” Dog for 2 Years Without Exercise

The police have kept Stella locked up for more than two years, with no human interaction or exercise. She's being held under the UK's Dangerous Dogs Act.
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