
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Anonymous Donor Makes $5,000 Contribution to Shelter to Cover Adoptions for Every Dog They Had

"Thank you again to our anonymous donor; we promise to not stop working until they ALL have a home," Watkins said.
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Shelter Issues Special Request to Find Home for Dog Stricken With Cancer

This kind, meager, beautiful dog has limited time. We don't know how long Autumn will be able to share her love with someone, but we do know right now she isn't suffering.
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Puppy Rescued from Sale on Craigslist Cannot Stop Crying With Joy

"You've got to feed them. You've got to clean up after them. This person obviously didn't put any effort into their care."
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Pets-On-Jets: PrivateFly Raising Awareness on Adoptable Pets in NYC

The North Shore Animal League teamed with PrivateFly, a private aviation firm to raise awareness about NYC-area adoptable pets, and unveil their new program.
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Adorable Puppy Overload Alert – Take Your Chances Watching These Sweeties

Puppies playing. Puppies giving kisses. Puppies running around in the snow. Puppies are the perfect way to start out your day.
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