
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Expert Dog Trainer Aly DelaCoeur Shares Holidays Hints for Your Dog

Everyone loves the holidays and making sure that our pets enjoy them, too, is a an important part of the mix. Trainer Aly DelaCoeur shares some great pet ideas.
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Pit Bull Continuously Escapes Bad Home Situation Until She Is Finally Rescued

After finding out her background, rescuer Lea Frissen raced back to the shelter Via was at to adopt her, and make sure no one would Treat her badly again.
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Vet Struggles to Find Job Due to Service Dog, So Lowes Hires Him AND the Dog

"If someone is a good worker, it shouldn't matter if they have a service dog. But in our case, it's been an absolute benefit to have Charlotte around."
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Man Gives Up His Spot in Line At a Shelter So a Little Boy Can Adopt the Dog He Wants

Carl Clary gave up a spot in line at his local SPCA to a little boy's family to ensure they got the dog they wanted, that he had waited 3.5 hours for, himself!
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Poor Mocha Is a Senior Dog Stuck at a Shelter Wondering Why No One Wants Her

Mocha has been stuck in a shelter wondering why no one wants her. Could she be the dog you or your family has been searching for?
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Strangled Dog Rescued from the Streets of Iran Given a Name That Means Courageous

Named Delavar, hundreds of people simply passed the injured dog by on the streets, until rescuers from Sezar Sanctuary were able to capture and get him help.
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Police Officer Smashes Car Window to Rescue Seven Dogs Trapped Inside

This officer saved the lives of seven dogs that were trapped in a hot car for two days, and made sure each one had a happy new home!
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UPDATE: Abused Dog Gets Special Plush Toy Made in His Image, Scars and All

Justice has gone from badly abused puppy with his mouth taped shut to poster dog for an anti-animal abuse campaign. Buy a stuffy and you can help, too!
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