
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Abused Dog Gets Special Plush Toy Made in His Image, Scars and All

Justice has gone from poor abused puppy with his mouth taped shut, to poster dog for an anti-animal abuse campaign, and you can help, too!
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PUPDATE: Elsa & Henry, Last of the Riverside County Rescues, Finally Find Forever Homes

Good news! The last two dogs to be rescued from the San Jacinto Animal Shelter that were part of a 30 dog raid in July in SoCal have found forever homes.
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Patrick Wilson’s Family Adopted the Dog from Hell, But Now She’s Their Angel

“Every dog is different, just like every kid is different, and you hope for the best... We really believe in rescuing, and she’s brought us so much joy and love.”
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Pets of the Homeless Share Special Wish for the Holidays

Pets of the Homeless hopes to raise both awareness and funds to aid homeless care for their pets that provide both some stability and unconditional love.
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A Real Dog’s Purpose: The Story of a Therapy Dog School Dropout

“A woman in Germany said it best, ‘Chipper, thank you for changing the world! You are such an encouragement to my family and so many others.’”
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Penn Vet Program Saves 100th Shelter Dog in Need

“This has been a wonderful opportunity to give a helping hand to dogs who just need some medical assistance in order to be adoptable,” said Richard Lichter.
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Dharma Rescue Gives Death Row Dogs Jobs and a New Life

“Taking these dogs where their past is just the worst... like they didn’t know that this is what life could be like,” said Fulcher."
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Greyhounds Rescued From Racetrack Need Help

Mitchell & Dash were racers for most of the lives and the constant training/running caused them such harm, were it not for rescuing, they may not have survived.
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