
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Available for Adoption

Driver Rescues Puppy Tossed Out from Car Window

On June 20, 2014, a small puppy named Roady became homeless when his owners tossed him out a car window on a Boone County, West Virgina, county road. Luckily, another driver on that same road witnessed the cruel act, stopped to rescue the innocent dog, and chased the car from which the pet had been tossed.

Teenager Starts Own Rescue Center to Save Homeless Pets

While most teenagers’ summer plans are to party, sleep in, or watch a lot of TV, 13-year-old Marisa Milford’s summer plans are completely out of the ordinary. Instead of doing what the average teen does during summer, Milford started her own pet rescue in her Youngstown, Fla., home.

Nine Homeless Puppies Saved from High-Speed Road

On June 11, 2014, the joint efforts of a Toms River, New Jersey, woman, police officers and animal control officers saved the lives of a homeless Jack Russell terrier momma dog and her nine puppies. The family of ten were saved from a certain death on a high-speed road.

Epic Military-Style Dog Rescue in the Desert

This military style rescue mission took Eldad Hagar of Hope for Paws three days and involved driving more than 1,000 miles and an unyielding willpower to save four dogs that would have otherwise died from infections or starvation in the Mojave Desert.

Dog Trapped under Ferry Dock Is Rescued

On June 4, 2014, firefighters rescued an eight-month-old, brown brindle Bullmastiff from under a ferry dock that links mainland Toronto with the city’s island airport. The trapped dog was discovered by constructions workers on their way to work.




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