
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Firefighters Save a Mom and Her Nine Pups from a Collapsed House in China

The dogs were buried below the debris for a total of four days. Locals likely heard them crying after a couple of days and called emergency services.
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Dog Rapist Mercilessly Dragged Out of House and Beaten by Outraged Mob

The man was arrested for distributing pornography. His dogs were removed and are now receiving proper care.
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PUPDATE: Gobi Has Been Found Alive and Well, Returned to New Human Dad!

"Gobi spotted me as soon as I walked in, and she started running toward me. Literally, she was running up my leg and jumping all over me and squealing with delight."
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Cachorra que seria abatida para consumo dá à luz durante resgate

Na semana passada, a notícia de que um caminhão cheio de cachorros estava passando por uma rodovia na China com destino a um matadouro se espalhou rapidamente entre protetores de animais.

Com o apoio das autoridades, ativistas conseguiram realizar o resgate de 300 cães. Eles seriam vendidos na província de Jilin, o segundo maior mercado de carne de cachorro do país.


Dog Rescued from a Slaughterhouse Is Now Savoring Every Day With His New Best Friend

Sloane was delighted to have her first dog; they are joined at the hip and the heart. She adores having a playmate, and Tiger loves having someone to watch over.
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29 cães e cinco gatos são salvos de serem comidos na China

Poucos dias antes do terrível Yulin Dog Meat Festival que acontece todos os anos na China, 34 animais tiveram a grande sorte de serem salvos de um destino cruel. Eles seriam torturados e depois comidos.

A Humane Society International (HSI), juntamente com parceiros na China, ajudaram na libertação dos animais, que estavam assustados, sendo mantidos em cativeiro em uma instalação de abate em Yulin.

Ativistas querem acabar com Festival de Carne de Cachorro na China

Representantes dos direitos animais entregaram um abaixo-assinado às autoridades da capital da China pedindo o fim do Festival de Carne de Cachorro de Yulin, que acontece anualmente.

Cerca de 24 ativistas, acompanhados por seus próprios cães, levaram a petição com 11 milhões de assinaturas. O protesto foi reforçado com cartazes que diziam “Eu não sou seu jantar”.


Eight Loyal Street Dogs Faithfully Guard the Body of the Woman Who Loved Them

Her perturbed dogs gathered around her from 4 am until 10 am, seemingly the only souls in the world to care about her life or death.
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Animal Rights Advocates Go After Chinese Dog Meat Festival

“Preventing cruelty to animals is the sign of a mature, civilized society,” a representative from the VShine Animal Protection Association told the Washington Post, and as such – the organization alone with a coalition of animal rights groups – is working to shutter an annual dog meat festival. The event, said to be responsible for […]


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