
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Eight Loyal Street Dogs Faithfully Guard the Body of the Woman Who Loved Them

Her perturbed dogs gathered around her from 4 am until 10 am, seemingly the only souls in the world to care about her life or death.
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Devoted Dog Stays with Injured Brother During Blizzard

“While Braveheart was away, we had a miserable Faithful. He was crying relentlessly for Braveheart, and it was immediately obvious how bonded together they were.”
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Heartbroken Dog Refuses to Leave Deceased Owner’s Side

Paco lay down near Kelly, refusing to move even after Kelly’s body was removed from the scene. He stayed there for hours until family members could arrive to collect him.
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Fotógrafa cria série mostrando a transformação dos cães filhotes em idosos

Amanda Jones passou os últimos 20 anos capturando as transformações físicas do melhor amigo do homem com o passar do tempo.

A fotógrafa fez retratos de cães quando ainda eram filhotes e quando se tornaram idosos. Em alguns casos, os cachorros já eram adultos na primeira foto mas a comparação também foi feita.


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