
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Social Media Users Unite to Assist Woman Find Her Missing Dog

"I was like, 'Oh my God, this is her,' " said Emiliano. She got on the phone and called her fiancé, Eddy Perez and told him what she noticed. "Eddy, this is Blue! We have to go get Blue before he sells her!"
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Family Reunites With Lost Dog After Four Years

After four long years, the Martinez family had all but given up hope they'd find Chiquito, but fortune smiled on them this week...!
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Injured Runaway Puppy Checks Himself Into the ER of a Hospital

“He came up to us and wanted to be petted. A toddler even walked up to him and gave him a big pet and he just licked her,” Dr. Ludlow said.
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She Was in Such Bad Shape, Many Thought She Should Be Put Down….

Left for dead in a desolate Detroit neighborhood, Mandi, a dog believed to have been bait in fighting ring has made a miraculous recovery.
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Heroic Boy Rescues Dog Trapped in Concrete Pit for FIVE DAYS

The kid declined the reward offered by Ford and her husband, but they have insisted on buying him a gift card for saving their pup’s life.
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Officer Refuses to Leave Stray Puppy’s Side Until She Is Adopted

“It clearly was a selfless thing to do. He wasn't thinking about getting home to sleep. He was thinking about what he could do to help this puppy survive.”
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Student Returns Michael Steel’s Missing Dog, Receives $10K Reward

Need another reason not to leave your puppy in a locked car? It could get stolen! Thankfully, this smash-and-dognap tale has a happy ending.
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“Freeway Frida” Rescued After Five Weeks on Highway Median

Frida spent five weeks trapped on the median of Highway 99 in northern California before first responders were able to rescue her. She is expected to make a full recovery -- but where is her owner?
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