
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Officers Enter Smoke-Filled House to Save Abandoned Dog

Thanks to the hero police officers, the little mutt left behind in the abandoned construction site is alive today.
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Dog Miraculously Emerges from the Rubble of a Two-Alarm House Fire

“He just seemed like he was kind of in shock, he didn’t know where to go when he got out. So we picked him up and put him in the truck and fed him some doughnuts.”
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Rescuers Save Emaciated Puppy Abandoned in Snow-Covered Lot

Someone wanted him dead but this three-month-old emaciated puppy survived freezing temperatures and is fighting for his life.
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Man Pays Hundreds Out-of-Pocket to Help Abandoned Dog

"So, I asked him if I could take him to my vet first and see if that’s true. Because if there was nothing terminal, I wanted to do whatever we could to save him," said Clark.
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Try Not to Cry… and Fail.  Twice.

Anyone who’s ever experienced the crushingly agonizing pain of a lost pet will intensely appreciate this video.
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Owners of Lost Dog Found Miles Away Make Tough Decision to Give Up Pet

No one wants to make this decision, but sometimes letting your beloved pet go to a different home is what's best for the pet.
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PLEASE HELP: Information on Dog Found in Trash Compactor Needed

After the trash compactor at the apartment complex that Troy Kennon works at malfunctioned, an inspection reveals a dog in a cage was the reason.
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Authorities Looking to Public for Help Identifying Dog and Abuser

The dog was discovered by a woman around 7 pm yesterday, while walking along Granite Hill Drive near Pedley Road.
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Sheriff’s Deputies Save Elderly Dog Dying in a Frozen Creek

Nearly 19 hours after he disappeared, a neighbor called the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office to report hearing an animal in distress – it was Rocky.
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