
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Massachusetts State Police Seeking Help to Reunite Dog with Owner

If you know this dog, or to whom she belongs, please call the Worcester, Mass. Animal Control at 508-799-1211.
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Dog Helps Save Elderly Woman Lost in Arizona for Nine Days

“Queenie became my pathfinder,” Rodgers said. “She was the one who would range ahead of me to find the game trail, or cowpath or place to cross a river safely.”
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Dog Makes 1,100 Mile Trek Home After Missing for 2 Years

"Where have you been, where have you been," Petranck said. "Oh, dear God, I have missed you so much."
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PLEASE HELP: Dog Found by Police in Road After Being hit by Car

Please consider donating to Jezebel's cause, so she can live a full, happy and healthy life with her humans.
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