
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Unexpected Friend Transforms Formerly Abused Dog


Grace, healed, happy and transformed


An abused dog in India was rescued, but nothing seemed to heal her fearful heart. Until one day she met with a surprise…

Grace was beaten in spirit and suffering from a serious injury to her mouth and head when she was rescued by Animal Aid Unlimited India. A wire put in her mouth and wrapped around her head had left her with the injury, and images from the time of her rescue are disturbing to see.

Though Grace was helped to heal from her injuries, her spirit remained deeply wounded until she met a special friend, and she began to blossom and show happiness.

Animal Aid Unlimited told Grace’s story in a blog post at their website, writing:

“We rescued Grace in February of 2014 after receiving a call on our helpline from a concerned neighbor who had seen her stumble out from behind some brambles and walk past his home. When our ambulance arrived to rescue her, we found her emaciated and almost unconscious, with a piece of clutch wire wrapped through her mouth and tied behind her head. The wire had embedded into the skin causing a wound more than an inch wide from one side of her mouth all the way around to the other.

“We immediately treated her for pain and infection, and then cut the embedded wire away.

“After her wounds were cleaned and she was given I.V. fluids, we put Grace in a blanket in a kennel, and that’s where she stayed sleeping for several days. She didn’t look up when we entered her kennel to feed her, and she hardly moved at all. She was utterly exhausted physically and emotionally and had not an ounce of energy left to use.

“Finally, her wounds did heal, and her physical pain went away. But her deep rooted fear and unease hadn’t improved. She didn’t want to be pet and sat by herself, not even interacting with other dogs. We tried and tried to make friends with her, but as soon as we came near, no matter how slowly and quietly, she always got up and walked away. We could tell that Grace knew she was safe, but she didn’t have any joy. She never wagged her tail, and she never played.

“In a last attempt to improve Grace’s life, we shifted her into another area of the shelter and introduced her to another dog who lives in Animal Aid’s sanctuary, Laban.

“The results were nothing short of miraculous.

“Watch the video [seen below] to join us in smiling ear to ear at the sight of the all new Grace.”


You can read about Animal Aid Unlimited India HERE, at their site.

During her time studying veterinary medicine, Tufts student Kristie Mientka worked with on-site with Animal Aid Unlimited India and wrote about her experiences HERE and HERE.

23 de Dezembro de 2014


Karen Harrison Binette