
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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UPDATE: Family gets $20K Service dog back from Colorado Trainer


Recently we at Life with Dogs covered a story not long ago, about a family being denied the return of their service dog.  To read the original story, click here.

On this past Tuesday, Major was returned to the Barnes family after they agreed to drop the charges against the trainer refusing to give them their dog back.

Major was supposed to be fully trained to detect highly elevated or severely low blood sugar, and was purchased by the Barnes for their daughter.  When they received Major they fell in love with him immediately, but his abilities to detect problems with Alayna Barnes’ type 1 diabetes left a bit to be desired, so the family shipped him back to the training facility in Colorado he had been trained at.

When Major had reached the training facility, trainer Julie Noyes claimed that the family had been abusive to the dog and refused to return Major to his family.  The Barnes however, had made sure to have Major’s health inspected by vets and have him groomed and looking his best.  Before being sent back to Colorado, Major was given a 100% clean bill of health, and no evidence of physical abuse were found on him in any way.

Amanda Barnes, Alayna’s mother had told news sources through attorneys that the family agreed to drop the charges against Noyes, as long as she gave them the dog back.

“There are no words to explain how excited we were, there were no words to explain the joy of seeing Major and Alayna one more time,” said Amanda Barnes.

31 de Julho de 2014


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