
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Community Organizes Funeral for Beloved Stray Dog

For ten years, a stray dog named Niño Andrade, roamed the streets of Las Colinas neighborhood, in Sincelejo, Colombia. During all this time, the dog became the neighborhood’s favorite pet. Even though he had no home or specific owner, he belonged to everyone and everyone loved him. On April 20, 2015, Niño Andrade crossed the rainbow bridge and the community came together to honor him.

Niño Andrade

Niño Andrade


No one knows for sure how the stray passed away. Locals say poison took the dog’s life. Witnesses recall seeing the beloved four-legged friend stumbling down the street before passing out and never again getting up.

After a neighbor confirmed Niño Andrade had died, his body was picked up and laid in a cardboard box cushioned by blankets. He was moved under the usual mango tree where the stray took his daily siesta. Soon, neighbors approached the tree to pay their respects, bring flowers and say their last good-byes.

Niño Andrade at the funeral altar community members made for him.

Niño Andrade at the funeral altar community members made for him.


Ismael Vergara told El Heraldo the community dog cared for everyone. “When we stayed out late drinking, he would walk us all home. Everyone loved him, he was our guardian.”

When the clock stroke 12:30 p.m., Niño Andrade was buried on the grounds of a local farm on the outskirts of the city.

You will forever be remembered.

29 de Abril de 2015

