
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Dog Survives Stab Wound Defending Owner from Thief

Would you jump in front of your dog to protect your pet if you knew someone wanted to stab or shoot him? We all say we would, but would we really? Our pets risk their lives all the time to protect us, and a dog from Argentina just proved that to save his owner.

Dicon is a dog from Rio Negro, Argentina, and on April 26, 2015, he almost died defending his owner. On Sunday morning, around 6 a.m. a thief broke into Gloria’s house, Dicon’s owner, while she and her two sons were asleep. The loyal dog heard the thief enter the house and went to investigate. The pet’s barks awoke Gloria who followed the dog.

Dicon recovering at the veterinary clinic.

Dicon recovering at the veterinary clinic.


When Gloria went to see why her dog was on the alert, she saw an armed man stabbing her loyal dog and fleeing the home.

Gloria was scared for her life, her son’s and her dog’s. The pet owner had undergone recent surgery and had limited mobility but as she could, she reached a phone and called police.

Even though officers took a while to arrive at the residence they were able to identify the criminal and apprehend him. However, Dicon laid on the floor bleeding to death, and even though Gloria pleaded with the officers to take her dog to a veterinary clinic, the officers refused.

Dicon before he was taken to the vet.

Dicon before he was taken to the vet.


The woman then took to Facebook to ask for help and before noon, neighbors and animal lovers arrived at the home to take Dicon to a veterinarian and save his life.

The loyal dog arrived at the clinic in critical condition, but he has since healed and made a remarkable recovery. He is expected to go home soon.

28 de Abril de 2015


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