
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

dog news video

Orphaned Lion Cub is Adopted by Dog

Orphaned Lion Cub is Adopted by Dog

After losing both siblings to illness and being rejected by his mother, this lion cub has found a home with a mother dog at the Nama Zoo!
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Homeless Man Rescues Dog but Denies Heroism

Otis, a homeless man that saved the life of an injured dog refuses to accept it when people call him a hero for his actions.
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Tearful Reunion for Dog and Survivor of Tornadoes in Texas

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This past Sunday, a rather severe tornadoes hit the town of Van, Texas.  As usual, it brought a path of devastation along with it, upending many homes and taking it’s toll on the residents.  However for one resident, things are starting to look up now that Tater is back.

Shelter Dogs Make Modern Art to Raise Adoption Awareness

Canismo is one of many movements that uses art to promote the adopt, don’t shop philosophy.  Dogs were brought into a studio, and created 18 unique pieces of art which will be sold to help fund further adoption awareness.  Don’t worry readers, the paints created for this are animal-friendly, and edible!

Stray from Iowa Sent to Nepal as Search and Rescue Dog

By now, just about everybody has heard of the earthquake disaster in Nepal.  More than a week has passed now, and search and rescue teams are still struggling to reach some of the more remote areas and villages.

Mister Mo’s Cookbook Helps Raise Money to Assist Senior Dogs

Life in the Dog House’s Chris and  Mariesa give some recipies from Mr. Mo’s Cookbook.  This is a special cookbook where not only are there many healthy options for your furry family members, but with each one sold, the proceeds goes to helping out senior dogs.


Rescued Puppy Enjoys First Bath Ever

Wow!  Check out the relaxation on this little guy.  This little itsy-bits here is a rescue pup, and he’s getting his first “bath” ever, and we here at Life with Dogs think it safe to say that he is totally, completely and 100% relaxed.


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