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Dog News

Passer-By Saves Dog Trapped in a Fire

Nolan Woolfolk was driving in Phoenix, Arizona when he spotted a duplex on fire Monday morning. He heard a dog barking inside and broke through a window to rescue the dog that was stuck in its crate.

Dog Saves Woman from Choking to Death

When Lesley Hailwood began choking on a chocolate New Year’s Eve her dog Nell came to the rescue and pounced on her chest. Nell's quick action saved Hailwood’s life.

Abandoned Pit Bull Rescued After Two Day Search in Record Cold

On Monday of last week, Pitty Love Rescue, a no-kill pit bull rescue organization in Rochester, NY, received an urgent call from one of their volunteers

Phoenix Fire Department Rescues Dog from Fire

A dog was saved from an apartment fire in Phoenix, Ariz., when firefighters rescued the pet and revived him using an oxygen mask.

Dog Saves Family from Armed Intruders

When two intruders broke into a Brentwood, Pennsylvania home in the middle of the night the family’s dog came to their rescue.

Actor Kellan Lutz Helps Raise $200,000 for Animal Shelter

While working on his new movie The Legend of Hercules actor Kellan Lutz put in some time and money to help the stray dogs of Bulgaria. He raised more than $200,000 for a local no-kill shelter there.

Veteran Loses Home and Lives in Van to Stay with His Dog

A year ago veteran John Chambers lost his home. When the local homeless shelter wouldn’t accept his dog Scout Chambers opted to live in his van so he could be with Scout. Last week news of Chambers and his dog’s situation was told in a local paper and the people in his community didn’t hesitate to step up and help the veteran and his dog.

Deputy Saves Dog’s Life from the Cold

Deputy Mark Rasure rescued a shivering, emaciated stray dog last week. Without his aid the dog would have died from the subzero temperatures.

Dog Missing for Nine Days in Sub-Zero Temperatures Saved by Stranger

A one-year-old Boxer named Dempsey spent nine days lost in the freezing cold in Maine before he was found. He will be going home with his family today.

Boy Asks for Donations for Rescue Dogs for Birthday

When 8-year-old Hudson Taylor sat down to make his birthday wish list it didn’t include anything for him. Instead Hudson asked for items the help the dogs at Austin German Shepherd Dog Rescue.


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