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good samaritans

San Antonio Women Rescue Duct Taped Dog Thrown In Trash

Two women heard howling coming from a trash container and when they looked inside they saw a dog with all four legs taped together. The woman saved the pet.

Heroic Neighbors Rescue Abandoned Puppy Hit by Car

“The three of us were in the highway, trying to stop traffic, but we weren’t thinking of that,” Lisa said. “We just knew we had to save the puppy, because if we didn’t, then he was going to be killed.”

Dog Freed After Week with His Head Stuck in a Pipe

Someone has already adopted him, and he will go to his new home once he has been released from veterinary care.

Good Samaritan Wades into Icy Water to Save Dog

“I had to take my gloves off, and I started not feeling my hands when I tried to grab the dog” Wesley said. “ My hands and arms were extremely cold. The dog was freaking out.”


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