
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

just for laughs

Adorable Dog Has Her Own Bus Pass So She Can Take Herself to the Park

“This is Eclipse. Every day she leaves the house by herself, and takes the bus downtown to the dog park. She even has her own buss pass attached to her collar.” <3
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“If You’re A Dog Mom, Put Your Hands Up…!” It’s the Dog Mom Anthem!

Do you take your pup everywhere? Throw your dog birthday parties? Spend all your money on treats? You might be a dog mom. And this might be your song.
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Family Puts Up a Sign to Let Neighbors Know Why Their Dog Is On the Roof

It’s understandable that people would be concerned, but the roof in the backyard is only about three feet off the ground, so it’s not that far for Huck to jump. <3
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When Grace Is Not Your Strong Suit

Hey, we can't all be Olympians. This dog's "dive" quickly turned to "belly flop," but we're sure it didn't put a damper on his day!
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