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Dog Fighting

Why Today Is National Dog Fighting Awareness Day

Dog fighting is a cultural embarrassment we should all feel. This is not about just locking up bad guys; this is about doing everything we can to bring this nightmarish practice to an end. We can't rest until it does.

Over 20 Dogs Rescued in Wisconsin Dog Fighting Bust

“As we respond to the neglect or abuse of a domestic animal, we should be looking closely at the condition of vulnerable people in the same setting,” DA John Chisolm said.

Exclusive for Life With Dogs: ASPCA Efforts to Combat Dog Fighting

April 8th has been established as as National Dog Fighting Awareness Day to advance the conversation about dog fighting

Rescued Fighting Dogs Now Seek New Homes

It was a long process, but many of the former fighters have shown themselves to be the loving, sweet dogs they always should have been.

Dog Thrown from Moving Car Gets Well. Police Search for Abusers

The canine suffered head trauma and an injury to his left eye, but police have strong leads on his abusers and hope to make an arrest soon.

Police Rescue 6 Dogs Chained Out in the Cold

On Jan. 23, 2014, Pittsburgh Police rescued six dogs that were chained outside a Lincoln-Lemington home.

PA Police Rescue Dog Tied to Street Sign

Police rescue and abandoned pit bull off the cold streets of McAdoo, Pa., when concerned animal lovers called in to report the dog had been left out tight to a pole.

Dogs Rescued and 34 Arrested in Fighting Ring

“When the helicopter pilots hit their target with spotlights, participants and spectators ran into the arms of waiting officers holding a perimeter around the event.”

Man Sentenced up to 15 Years for Dog Fighting

It can only be hoped that the dogs and children will be placed in homes where they will be shown love and compassion.

Michigan Bait Dog Seeks Refuge and Finds Rescue

Tiny Tim is a lover, not a fighter. Yet someone used him for such. Please help us get Tiny Tim the help he needs to heal.


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