
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Dog Lost In Windstorm Two Years Ago Finally Comes Home

Shadow went missing from Shanley Heinsma's backyard two years ago. She never lost hope they'd be reunited.
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Dogs Separated by Fences Formed the Sweetest Friendship

Messy would comfort Audi when it seemed he was sad to be alone in his yard. And when the moment they met was captured, the pic went viral!
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Family That Returned Husky Given New Dog

When a family learned their shelter dog was another man's service dog who'd gone missing, they did the right thing and returned him. Then karma paid a visit. :)
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Paying It Forward! Rosie the “Husky-Cat” Raises A Litter!

You may already know about Rosie & Lilo and their friendship. If not, enjoy the tale, and if so, enjoy the floofy update about Rosie's own rescue efforts!
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Watch Piper Meet Baby Lily for the First Time!

There's no excitement quite like new-baby excitement. Watch this doggie daddy introduce his FIRST girl to his newest little girl that captures a special moment!
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This Is Why Huskies Are the Most Entertaining Dogs Ever

Got husky? Show us your husky’s silliest face in the comments section on Facebook!
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Dirty Dog: Cute Husky’s Family Returns Home to Epic Mess

Go to the movies without me, will you? It’s something the family of this adorable husky puppy might reconsider after it somehow got into the calligraphy ink. What followed was a canine version of those old Arthur Murray dance patterns – perhaps one best suited for a mosh pit. The massive pool of ink (clearly […]

Three Huskies Raise a Kitten and Adopt Her as Their Own

“When she saw the dogs went outside to potty, she started doing the same. When they were leashed to go on walks, Rosie wanted to be leashed and to come along, too.”
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