
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


London Launches the World’s First Bus Tour for Dogs

“London is a city famed for its fascinating history and rich culture, much of which man’s best friend has been heavily involved in,” said spokesman Steve Jay.
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Refusing to Give Up on a Lost Dog Too Exhausted to Move, Hikers Go MacGuyver

“I walked in front, taking out vines and lantana to clear a path. The boys put in a mammoth effort, including the 3 meter vertical climb to the road.”
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“Bad” Shelter Dog Has Put 150 African Elephant Poachers Out of Business

“It takes humans an hour or more to search a car, whereas it takes dogs three to four minutes… They [the scouts] learned to think of Ruger as a colleague.”
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Cachorra fica ao lado de seu amigo guepardo antes, durante e após cirurgia

A lealdade de uma cachorrinha surpreendeu à todos em um zoológico nos Estados Unidos: ela ficou ao lado de seu amigo guepardo antes, durante e após sua cirurgia.


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