
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Woman Ends Up With The Dog She Had To Give Up As A Child

When her dad changed jobs, Nicole Grimes' family felt they needed to rehome Chloe, then 4. Years later, a twist of fate has brought them back together.
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Police Officer Saves Dead Dog With Mouth-to-Snout Resuscitation

“About the fifth time, I have her a big, long mouth-to-snout and I saw some little eyes blinking. And then she jumped up and ran off,” Christy Osborne-Evans said.
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Blind Dog Never Has to Worry About Being Left in the Dark, Thanks to His Best Friend

“They are hiking buddies. We attach a leash together and Zen does the leading. Even if they're on two separate leashes, Zen walks beside him,” Pauline Perez said.
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5 raças de cachorro que parecem nunca cansar de brincar

Muitas raças de cachorro são conhecidas por serem rápidos e atléticos, como é o caso do border collie e do greyhound. Mas isso não quer dizer que não precisam cochilar durante o dia.

The Internet Is Going Nuts for This Dog, and It’s Easy to See Why

She’s not quite a husky, and she’s not quite a Pomeranian – she’s a vixen!
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Power Puff! Tiny Pom Means Business.

Prepare for terminal levels of cuteness as a pomeranian puppy's attempts to intimidate fail miserably. That bark. We can't even
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Help Needed to Find Senior Dog’s Cold-Hearted Killer

“I saw the note and it was just horrifying. I just started crying,” Verline said. “I’ve had him for a long time. It hurts.”
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Paris Hilton comprou o “menor pomerânia do mundo” por 30 mil reais

A socialite norte-americana Paris Hilton, famosa por seu amor por cães e por seus Chihuahuas, comprou pelo equivalente a R$ 30 mil o que seria o “menor pomerânia do mundo”, com 332 gramas.

Desde que adquiriu o filhote, Paris não para de compartilhar fotos dele em seu Instagram. O nome escolhido para a nova adição da família Hilton é Mr. Amazing.

Apesar de fofos, há muita controvérsia quanto aos considerados micro cães, muitos argumentando que os criadores escolhem um padrão físico em detrimento à saúde.


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