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stolen dog

Thieves Take Doggy Day Care Van Carrying Seven Pets

For seven Chicago pet families, Wednesday, February 18, 2015, is a day they don’t ever want to relive again. Their pets were inside an unmarked Urban Out Sitters’s doggy day care van when two thieves approached the car, hijacked it, and took off with seven dogs. All dogs were found safe the following day, but their owners feared they will never see their pets alive again.

Kansas City Police Department Finds Stolen Truck with Dog Inside

Stolen Staffie Comes Home In Time for Christmas

Over a year ago, Joules a Staffordshire Bull Terrier from Middlesex, went missing. Her owner, Liz Wilson-Roberts, searched for her pet, but after not finding the dog, the pet owner convinced herself that her dog was forever gone. Well, a few weeks back, Joules and Wilson-Roberts were once again reunited, all thanks to the dog’s microchip.

Tip Helps Reunite Stolen 10-year-old Dog with Owner

Gabrielle Cowgill-Wilkins from Greenbelt, Md., was devastated when she came home on October 15, 2014, to find her home ransacked and her 10-year-old boxer, named Arwyn, missing. For multiple days the pet owner searched the area hoping to find her pet. She posted signs and hoped someone had seen the dog somewhere. Thanks to a tip, Cowgill-Wilkins and her dog were reunited.

FOUND: Tiny Dog Stolen at Gunpoint

On July 30, 2014, Darren Clark from Hollywood, Fla., was out walking his sister’s dog, India, when a man approached him and robbed him at gunpoint. The armed thief took Darren’s cellphone and the nine-year-old Yorkshire Terrier. Two days later, police officers found the pet roaming the streets. Thanks to the pet’s microchip, India was reunited with her owner.

I Stole My Own Dog Back

For eight weeks, the Falk family from New York city’s West Village neighborhood searched for Moey, their poodle-Bichon-Shih-Tzu mix, stolen on June, 25, 2014. The pet owners plastered the neighborhood with over 400 “Lost Dog” flyers, searched the area, reported the theft to police, checked area shelters and followed up on fictitious leads, but nothing they did brought them closer to finding their pet. Finally, after almost 2 months of searching, their beloved dog was found.


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